This oil nail is made of high quality titanium grade 2 and suitable as an attachment for standard grinding SG 14 and 19. It is a so called 'domeless' nail with 5 holes in the oil pan into which the smoke of the evaporating oil is drawn. Therefore, a smoke dome is not necessary. Titanium is the most preferred material when break resistance is concerned. It heats up quickly and keeps the heat for a long time. The pan is heated with a butane burner, until the metal is red hot. Let the nail cool down a little bit until the glowing disappears and then add your oil/concentrate to the pan. A suitabel carb cap dabber can be held above the nail to collect the smoke before inhaling. The nail is unscrewable for easy cleaning. Attention: The oil bowl/oil nail must be heated at the pan only, otherwise the standard grinding can break in cause of the expansion of the material.